You can do this by following these steps

  1. Sign in to your AdSense account.
  2. In the left navigation panel, click Payments.
  3. Click Add payment method.
  4. Choose the radio button for “Transfer to bank account” and click Continue.
  5. Enter your bank account information and click Confirm and continue.

There are some conditions which you must follow to get your adsense approved for your blog.

  1. If you are from India or China, your blog must be 6 months old.
  2. In this 6 months you must post regularly.
  3. Your blog post must be more than 500 words without any grammatical error.
  4. Your blog topic and post content must be good and plagiarism free.
  5. The pictures you will use must be your own or with a public license. i.e., there should be no copyright infringement.
  6. There should be sufficient space on your blog for the Ads to pop.
  7. You must be 18+ to apply.

After 6 months, Sign up for AdSense to show ads:

  1. Sign in to Blogger.
  2. Click the blog you want to run ads on.
  3. In the left menu, click Earnings.
  4. Click Sign up for AdSense. If you don’t see the button, it means your blog might not qualify for AdSense. Check the AdSense eligibility checklist to find out why.
  5. Fill out the form with your Google Account or create a new one.

[SourceAdvertise on your blog ]

Note: It can take at least 48 hours for your application to be reviewed. Generally after a month or more Google might approve your request based on the above conditions. If Google thinks your blog is good and you followed all terms and conditions then they will approve your request. Else, you can modify your blog and apply again when you think you are ready.

It’s relatively easy to get your AdSense approved via YouTube. Read this before proceeding ->[ Sign up for AdSense via YouTube ]. Now you can follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Monetization page. Get there by clicking your icon in the top right > Creator Studio. Then, in the left menu, click Channel > Monetization.
  2. Go to the "How will I be paid?" section.
  3. From the AdSense Association page, follow the "next" step to be directed to AdSense.
  4. Select the option at the bottom of the page to choose the Google Account you want to use.
  5. Enter the password for your Google Account.
  6. Accept the Adsense association.
  7. Provide your contact information and submit your AdSense application.
  8. You'll be redirected back to YouTube and will see a message saying that your AdSense application has been received.
  9. Adsense will update you by mail once your AdSense account is approved. Your AdSense ID will be updated on the AdSense Association page. Note that it may take up to 48 hours for the association to be fully active.
[Source:- Set up an AdSense account for payments ]

How to set it up

  1. Sign in to your Google Ads account.
  2. Click the tools icon. ...
  3. Click the Payment methods link from the menu on the left.
  4. Click Add new payment method.
  5. Select Bank account, fill out your bank information, and agree to the terms and conditions provided.

To get Google Adsense account approval:

Follow these steps:-

  1. Create Google Adsense account

Click here Google AdSense - Earn Money From Website

2 . Create your website or blog

You can use

And many more google it

You also need hosting for your website or you can use free hostings like blogger (provided by Google) it's free.

At last you should link your Google Adsense account with your website.

Send a request to google adsense to verify your website wait for few weeks and then you can earn.


Hope this helps