To get approved for AdSense, you’ll need a valid email address and an active website with high-quality content that includes original graphics or photos.
Here is the some points to be remember:-
- Make sure your content is unique & does not contains any plagiarism.
- If your website contains blogs than make sure that every blog has minimum 600-700 words.
- Posts minimum 24 blogs in your website.
- Arrange blogs according to category & every category should have at least 5 blogs.
- Put your category in main menu section.
- Use copyright free (stock images) images for blogs.
There is a simple trick which you can use to get your AdSense account approved for Blogspot domain quickly. If your BlogSpot account have a sufficient number of post (minimum 20+) then it’s easy to get your AdSense account approved. If you have personal domain and host chances of AdSense approval are very high.

- Buy a custom domain name.
- Use Google apps to create a domain specific email address.
- Add pages like About, Contact Ensure you use a clean BlogSpot design.
- Have at least 10-15 well-written blog posts.
- Ensure you don’t use copyright images. Here you can find sites to download free images
Adsense Approved Secret’s Leaked By a Professional Adsense Seller...
Hey, I'm Swapnil Sanghvi Founder of Blogs.
In this answers I'll show you my experience with many Adsense approval.
I was a Adsense Seller in my starting times.
- Your Blog Post Content Quality:
Write High-Quality Content. Don't do grammatical mistakes and copy content from another website.
Write own original content or may be hiring someone for content writing works.
- Optimize Your Blog Post :
Optimize blog post this is optional for adsense approval point of view, but it's must for seo and ranking point of view.
If your blog post is optimized than google easily understand you want to provide information to user and don't create this blog for only adsense approval and selling purpose.
Optimize Your Blog Post with Meta Tags (Mera Title and Meta Description) and Make It Search Engine Friendly.
- Your Blog Post Images:
Be Serious to Choose your blog post Images.
Don't copy any blogs or images this will be creating issue in your Adsense approval.
You can use no-copyright and royalty-free images and for defending copyright issues give credit to website.
- Your Blog Blog Design and Structure:
When you are choosing themes then you should check theme speed, seo friendly and Adsense friendly.
Make a nice blog design and structure.
- Your Domain and Blog Age :
Google and Adsense Privacy Policy say's : Your Blog Domain Must Old At least 6 Months.
But I got Adsense approval on 20--30 days old Domain.
So I recommend your blog and domain must old at least 15-30 day's.
- Apply Using Root Domain:
You should always apply using the root domain like domainname. com . Don't apply with sub domain like blogname.domainname .com.
- Check Google Ban:
You know very very well we can't purchase domain name for lifetime.
We are purchasing domain like a rent.
There are lot of possibilities, in past someone is other owner of your domain.
If old owner is do something wrong with domains like spread piracy, cracked software, movie leaked and illegal activities.
Then Google baned your domains from Google search engine.
So before applying just check your site content is showing on google or not.
You can check using this google dorks Site:yourdomainname. com .
- Prohibited Content:
Adsense has directly told that on their guidelines and explain deepl, if your blog have adult contents, copyrighted contents, drug alcohol-related contents, hacking cracking contents, violent contents, weapons related contents and other illegal contents will not be approved.
- Number of Visitors and User:
I see lot of blogger say that "Your blog have minimum x-number of traffic, visitors or user.
But believe me Visitors Are Not a Factor for Approval.
I got Adsense approval on 0 traffic.
- Your Age:
Adsense approval is a way of earnings.
For this your age must be 18+ in India.
Don't forget to check this.
If you're not 18+, in this situation you can create Adsense account on your family member names and data.
- Number of Blog Post:
Google experts say to me : "Your blog have atleast 40-50 post"
But it's a myth about Adsense approval.
I got Adsense on 5-7 posts.
You don't fimilar with Adsense approval.
So your blog have atleast 15 posts.
I hope this tips help you to get Adsense approval easily.
Thank You...