To change the footer you will need:
Access to your WordPress admin area
A text editor on your computer
Method #1: Via the WordPress Theme Customizer
Depending on what theme you are using, you may have the option to remove or edit the powered by WordPress footer directly in your theme customizer.
Go to Appearance > Customize on the WordPress dashboard
Click Footer > Bottom Bar
You can either Disable Footer Credits or put your own text in Edit Footer Credit
Method #2: Via the Native Theme Options.
This works best for most third-party themes. Sometimes, the native WordPress theme customizer may not be equipped to edit the footer in WordPress, so your best bet is to check in the theme settings first.
If you have been unable to locate the option to disable footer credits inside the theme customizer, you could also check the ‘Widgets’ section, or inside the individual theme’s options.
Method #3: Editing Footer.php
If maintaining your website’s SEO is important to you, editing your theme’s footer.php file is another easy way to remove the WordPress footer credit link. The footer.php file contains the information your site needs to display the footer of your site, including, you guessed it, the WordPress credit link.
The safest way to edit the WordPress footer code on your website is by using an SFTP file manager such as Filezilla to access your core files. For security reasons, some web hosts disable the option to edit your theme code directly from inside your WordPress admin area. If you notice that you are unable to locate your website’s theme editor inside your WordPress admin area, it might have been disabled by your host. This means that you will need an SFTP file manager to access your files. But don’t worry – we have you covered on how to go about this.
Connect to your site using an SFTP file manager. If you’re uncertain about how to do this, this in-depth tutorial will guide you through the process.
Navigate to the public_html/wp-content/themes directory.
Open the directory containing the theme you wish to edit.
Locate the footer.php file, then copy it to the appropriate child theme directory.
Open the footer.php file using a text editor and search and delete the footer code, depending on what theme you’re using.
Most people will tell you to modify the footer.php code and remove the footer credits but I don’t recommend this for two reasons:
- It’s very easy to make a mistake and break your WordPress site. I have done this many times but luckily I know how to recover from this but most do not.
- Every time you update your theme to the latest, it will overwrite your changes and you will have to modify the code again.
To make removing the footer credits a little easier I created a very basic plugin that allows you to modify the footer credits without modifying code. All you have to do is enter text to remove in one text box and then enter text you would like to replace it with, in another.
You can install the plugin through WordPress by following these steps:
- In your WordPress admin, in the left side menu
- Go to Plugins -> Add New
- In the upper right text field search for “remove footer credit”
- Install and active the plugin titled Remove Footer Credit by Joe Bill
- Then in the left side menu, go to Tools -> Remove Footer Credit
- In the first text box, enter the text you would like to remove
- In the second text box, enter the text you would like to replace it with (or nothing to remove)
- Click Save
Many themes often check for the presence of Copyright in footer. If you remove it directly, the theme might stop working. This is done by calling a function. So you can't just remove the function altogether.
The best thing to do is to let the footer function remain intact. Let that theme name and copyright be at its place. But how do you remove it? Our good old CSS properties come to the rescue.
Just find the class of the line that contains theme name and copyright using inspect element, and inside the stylesheet (or you can simply use Custom CSS in Appearance -> Customise option) :-
- .theme-name-class {
- visibility: hidden !important;
- height: 0;
- width: 0;
- }
Setting visibility to hidden alone is sufficient, Setting height and width to 0 is another layer of removing it completely.
Removing footer credits is a simple process with the help of a plugin . I can explain you this process within few steps .
1. Go to "add new plugin" area and search for this plugin "REMOVE FOOTER CREDIT" from macho themes
2.Activate it and go to its settings
You can watch this video ( it may feel complicated reading it)
4. You need your page source code for this to work out . For it you must go to your site and click on top right corner button of chrome and select view page source .
5. Then you can see your page turned to codes (please do this process in a new tab) and alphabet's. Select the code from bottom , you can identify it by pointing out the word "WordPress".
6. Paste this code in the first field and edit it in the second field . for eg. " WordPress " to "your site name" . That's all .
7. Feeling it complicated , no worries , the plugin will lead you to the answer with its help feature.
Hi there hope you are doing well.
A plugin can work on the things which are consistent.
For example, we will find a plenty of projects which will be like an add-on for woocommerce, bbPress, BuddyPress etc. Do you know why, because those plugins keep their HTML and structure consistent. We can get hooks from which we can manage each and everything which belongs to these plugins ( wc, bbpress, buddypress )
Footer credit is something which varies theme to theme. So there cannot be a plugin which can work with all the sites/themes.
There can be a plugin which can serve to the themes of a single agency. Eg. Artbees manages Jupiter theme so they can have a plugin like Artbees Remove Credits which can server to all Jupiter themes.
You may always check footer.php, functions.php, widgets and theme options to determine how these credits are added to the footer of the site.