Solution for What is the best way to build your own website?
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Whether you are a freelance photographer, own a hardware store, or have another type of small business, a great website is essential for your company’s success. As a webmaster who has worked on building or marketing over 100 small business websites, I know what it takes to create great and engaging business websites. If you are looking to build a new startup website or make your current site more effective, here are 10 key steps to getting started and helping your small business website compete effectively in the online marketplace.
Obtain a good domain name
Your domain name, also known as your website address, is often the entry point to your site. It is important that it makes a good impression for usability purposes, as well as for search engine optimization (SEO). Here are some tips for coming up with an optimal domain name: Make it easy to spell. Try not to use slang, made up, or extremely esoteric words. Keep it as short as possible. The shorter it is, the easier it is to remember and type correctly. Use the proper domain extension. Try to always make it a .com domain name unless it is more appropriate to use another extension, such as .gov, .edu, or .org.
Avoid numbers and hyphens. They are hard to remember and less elegant and memorable than word-only domain names, and may be misunderstood when vocalizing the domain name. Make the address broad to facilitate future growth. For example, is a much broader website address than and allows Amazon to sell pretty much every type of consumer goods instead of books only, as was its original purpose. Google it to see if a similar website address already exists online, and search on to make sure it does not contain any registered trademarks.
Check if the price is right. Determine if you can purchase your desired website address at a reasonable price since most good domain names are taken and will need to be bought from the current owner. Avoid nonsensical names. Choose a name that conveys a meaning so that users will know immediately what your business is. Yahoo and Google are catchy names, but they are very expensive to brand, and your small business may not have the same budget.
Create an SEO-friendly URL. When appropriate, try to come up with an SEO-friendly website address that includes keywords and geo-location.
Purchase secure, scalable website hosting with good tech support
A website host is a company that offers the technology and services necessary for a website to be viewed on the internet. You connect your domain name to your hosting provider so that when users visit your website address, they are shown your website that you store on your hosting account. Hosting services can cost anywhere between $2 to $100+ per month, depending on the kind of technology and support you choose. You can usually get a discount if you purchase a yearly plan as opposed to a monthly plan. Here are some guidelines for choosing a good website hosting plan: Although you can get a “shared server” hosting plan for as little as $2 per month, I would typically advise against this.
Shared hosting means you are sharing a server and its resources with other customers, which can make the performance of your site suffer. Also, if one of the other websites on your shared server is hacked, it is possible for your website to also be infected. A VPS is one machine that is partitioned to act as multiple machines, which gives it a similar affordability to shared hosting, with similar security and performance potential as a dedicated server hosting plan. Make sure your hosting company has phone and/or chat support so you can be helped quickly if you have a problem. Email support can often take too long and become frustrating when a problem needs to be resolved immediately. Phone support is best, but chatting works well, too.
Prominently display a clear description of your business
It is important to let people know who you are and what you do right away so they don’t feel confused when they visit your small business website. Make sure your main homepage banner and subsequent banners are visual representations of your services, and also that you have an introductory text blurb near the top of the page that describes who you are and what you do. Additionally, make sure both your main and footer navigation menus have "About Us" page links easily accessible so people can click them and read more about your business in depth.
Implement the best content management system
A content management system (CMS) is a software program or application that is used to create and manage digital content. A good CMS will help you maintain your site, and you don’t need much technical knowledge to use it. You should choose a CMS that is designed for your unique needs; different systems are used for different reasons, such as user-friendliness, extensibility, and budget. The following are some popular systems with descriptions of their strengths and weaknesses.
WordPress: WordPress is the world’s most popular CMS. It has a vast, active support community and many useful plugins to extend the functionality of your site. (And if you cannot find a plugin that does what you want, it is easy to find a WordPress developer who can make one for you!) WordPress is also free and relatively simple to install. Most website developers are familiar with it so it is not hard to find an individual or agency that can work on your site. I normally recommend that small businesses use WordPress to create their websites, due to its flexibility and extensibility. It must be noted, however, that WordPress's biggest weakness is security because it is so popular, hackers target it the most. Your WordPress site needs to be regularly maintained and secured so it is not hacked. Also, it is difficult to secure every single third-party plugin, so keeping your WordPress site secure must be an ongoing commitment through various best practices
Choose a good e-commerce platform
If you plan on selling goods and/or services through your website, you will need the right technology to do so. If you decide to allow users to financially transact with you online, you will need to choose the right platform for your business model. Here are some popular small business e-commerce platforms: WooCommerce: WooCommerce is one of the world’s most popular e-commerce platforms that can turn your WordPress website into an online store. Like WordPress, there are many plugins available, and it attaches to WordPress, which makes it extremely flexible. There are many free and premium themes pre-built for WooCommerce. If you are not tech-savvy, you will most likely need a WordPress developer to help you set it up and use it. WooCommerce also offers a very high amount of capabilities and scalability that your small business might need.
Shopify: Shopify is a cloud based e-commerce platform that allows you to create and customize an online store, and to manage products, inventory, payments, and shipping. It is not a WordPress extension like WooCommerce, it is a standalone platform that is hosted on the Shopify server so if you have a main website, your e-commerce site would technically be separate from that. You can link to your Shopify account from your regular website built with WordPress, Drupal, Wix, etc., unless your main website has a Shopify integration plugin.
There are a lot of different ways to build a website. Some people need to build a big e-commerce store for their business.
Meanwhile, some are building a portfolio to showcase their work. Thus, the best method of building a website differs from user to user.
If you keep reading, below, I will make recommendations on how to choose what's best for you!
There are three main ways of building a website.
- Using a Content Management System;
- Using a site builder;
- Having your website built from scratch.
Let's start with a content management system or CMS in short.
A content management system is a software dedicated to creating and managing content for a website, on a particular platform.
Instead of coding your own system from scratch, you will use an already created platform, which is much less time consuming and generally easier.
There are numerous amounts of CMS's out there like Joomla, Magento, Drupal, although the most popular is WordPress.
Wordpress powers approximately one-third of all the websites. That’s a huge number!
Content management systems are of moderate level of difficulty to manage.
Of course, it depends on which one you choose, because they all have different interfaces, and while one might be very easy to control, the other one is complicated.
Generally speaking, it doesn't take too long to understand the basic principle, although you should invest some time in learning how to master your chosen CMS.
Since I have already mentioned that WP powers one-third of all the websites alone, it's safe to say that it is the most common way of creating a website.
It can be used both for a personal blog and for a professional business site.
There is a common myth that open source platforms like WP are best suited for personal use websites. Although, major sites like The New Yorker, BBC America, or Sony Music were created on WordPress.
Meanwhile, Joomla powers the Harward and Guggenheim museums' websites. They are built on CMS's while getting millions of visitors every day.
If you are planning to have an online store, content management systems are also a great choice.
For example, WordPress has an open-source e-commerce plugin called WooCommerce, which is designed for precisely that purpose.
CMS's are very convenient since they are built for non-techies who want to create professional websites.
They have perfect integration of SEO, are easily managed, can be customized for mobile devices, and there are quite a lot of options you can monetize your website.
Usually, CMS's don't have online support, although they typically have a vast amount of useful materials in tutorials, articles, videos, and forums.
For example, WP has such a big community; there are even WP meetings organized in different cities.
If you wish to create a website with a CMS, you will only need to pay for hosting and domain.
For example, WordPress itself is free, and hosting plans can start as low as $0.99/month.
Domains, however, differ in prices, but with specific hosting plans, you can get a domain free of charge.
Site builders
Site Builders, compared to CMS's, are even more user-friendly.
It doesn't take a long time to figure them out, and you can have your site up and running in a matter of an hour.
Site builders are best used for smaller-scale projects, blogs, and personal websites.
They usually have a lot of predefined templates, and simple drag and drop functions.
It is easier to manage, but at the same time, it doesn't have as much customizability as CMS's have.
If you are trying to make a wedding invitation, want to have a portfolio showcasing your work, or feel like you want to start a small blog - the site builder is the perfect option.
It won't take too much of your time, for creating it and editing, while you will have a pretty and professional looking website.
There are a lot of site builders; if you want to check some of them out, I would recommend trying Zyro - it's a new intuitive site builder, with a grid interface for creating the website and a lot of cool tools like logo maker, a heat map and AI writer.
A big advantage for site builders is that some of them have 24/7 customer support.
If you run into any problems, you will have a support agent looking into your issue and either fixing it or guiding you through the process.
Site builders are generally free for the basic version, and most of them allow upgrading to premium plans with more resources for when your website starts growing.
The only thing you would need to purchase is the domain.
Creating a website from scratch
This is the most sophisticated option out of three and is mostly used for bigger-scale and unique projects.
If you wish to create a website from scratch, unless you are a programmer yourself, you will need to hire a web developer.
One should take into account that a website which was built from scratch should have a person constantly looking after it, for maintenance.
It means that either a developer could be hired to do that, or if you have some development knowledge and time, you can manage it yourself.
Nonetheless, the website will require some resources spent from time to time.
This option is very convenient for big companies, big online stores, or special projects that need a high level of customization.
It does not rely on any platform and doesn't have any predefined templates of themes meaning that you can do anything you wish or image.
Mostly, you would need to present your ideas to the web developer and web designer, and they could tell you what's possible to implement.
As for the price, it isn't very easy to say, as every website made from scratch, is different.
I would recommend asking a developer or a company for an estimate price. It can vary significantly from a few hundred to thousands.
Although, if you are doing it yourself, only resources you will need are your time and hosting & domain.
And that's it. I hope my recommendations have helped you to decide which way is best for building your website.
And I hope you enjoy the process. I know it can be challenging at first, but the end result is usually gratifying!