A few prerequisites for Facebook Instant Articles are as follow:
- A Facebook page
- The Facebook Pages app. This allows you to preview your Instant Articles on your mobile device.
- Your RSS feed needs to display your entire article content to automate publishing of your content to Facebook Instant Articles
- A minimum of 10 articles is required to submit to Facebook for approval to the Facebook Instant Articles program.
- Facebook Business Manager for support to Facebook Instant Articles
Facebook Instant Articles publishers show some but not all articles on Instant Articles. So it is best to browse some of the existing publishers to determine if this is a good fit for your content. A 6000-word blog post for example with complex diagrams, charts, etc. is probably best suited for desktop viewing as opposed to viewing on Instant Articles.
How can I get paid from Facebook for...
Answer is Monetization of your instant articles. Here if you have heavy fan following for your blog you can earn more from Ads shown to public website visitors. People who read articles visit your website which is monetized. It makes easier for you to earn.
Some tips for monetization.
1. Put in quality content. Worthy content.
2. Reliable trust worthy content.
3. Useful content. Content is useful to the public in a number of ways. That makes them come to your blog.
3. Ask your friends who are good writers to contribute to your blog.
4. If possible spread the word about your blog by advertising on TV channels and Facebook.
5. Make it known to many people that your blog exists.
6. Hardwork and Patience required on your part to wait one year to see results coming. Many people come to your blog.
Efforts required.
Create 30 landing pages on Facebook. Get more visitors from all over the net.
Take their email ids while registering. Then try to help them a lot. When they are helped they spread word about you.
If you are interested in creating blogs working with Google, Adsense etc. Or if you want to create blogs in Quora please contact me. I would be happy to help new bloggers or even old bloggers. We can discuss and make things easier for ourself.
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Monetization of your website with Google. Apply for Adsense program.
Configuring fb inst. articles will make your blog lose pageviews and if you are using adsense or similar you’ll see your earnings decreasing.
But fb instant articles will make your readers happier with more engagement.
Think twice before doing it. It’s possible using RSS, but the hard part is getting aproved by FB.
Disclaimer: I'm a contributor of PageFrog, an open-source WordPress plugin for managing Facebook Instant Articles and Google AMP HTML
Rather than loading an article using a web browser, which takes over 8 seconds on average, Instant Articles load using the same fast tools we use to load photos and videos in the Facebook app allowing articles to load as much as 10 times faster than standard mobile web articles. Beyond just speed, Instant Articles allow publishers to provide the same high quality, fluid experience and interactivity that people expect from a mobile app. Instant Articles has been designed with extensive feedback from news publishers. Publishers can serve their own ads and keep that revenue, track readership in real-time and with comScore, and customize the presentation of articles to match their brand.
A few prerequisites for Facebook Instant Articles are as follow:
- A Facebook page
- The Facebook Pages app. This allows you to preview your Instant Articles on your mobile device.
- Your RSS feed needs to display your entire article content to automate publishing of your content to Facebook Instant Articles
- A minimum of 10 articles is required to submit to Facebook for approval to the Facebook Instant Articles program.
- Facebook Business Manager for support to Facebook Instant Articles
Facebook Instant Articles publishers show some but not all articles on Instant Articles. So it is best to browse some of the existing publishers to determine if this is a good fit for your content. A 6000-word blog post for example with complex diagrams, charts, etc. is probably best suited for desktop viewing as opposed to viewing on Instant Articles.