If you have any queries on our site's disclaimer, please contact us via this contatc form.


The information that harin.com.np provides are published in a good faith. Although we strive to provide complete, reliable and accurate information on our site, we do not warranty either. As of this writing time, we do not ask our users to perform specific actions on our site. Only action we allow is to contact us. While contacting us, we ask for your personal information like your name, email and the message you want to send us. Those information are safe and never used in a bad manner. By reading our content, whatever action you take will not be in our control. It depends on the sole user's discretion.  


We provide many external hyperlinks in our site in a good faith. Most of them are not in our control. The content and the policies of those sites are completely different from our site. Any action you take while visiting those sites will not be our fault. Please check those sites policies before applying any action. We thrive on removing bad hyperlinks from our site. 


By reading this disclaimer and using our website, harin.com.np, you agree the sole intention of this article. If anything we add on our website seems important to mention our users, a notification on the page update will be sent. But we recommend our users to check these pages frequently.